Gondola Blend Espresso - Rocanini Coffee Roasters
Gondola Blend Espresso - Rocanini Coffee Roasters
Gondola Blend Espresso - Rocanini Coffee Roasters
Gondola Blend Espresso - Rocanini Coffee Roasters

Gondola Espresso


Notes: Dark chocolate, caramel, golden raisin, full body


Experience the rich and syrupy Espresso Ristretto made with Gondola espresso. With its earthy undertones reminiscent of classic espresso, this shot is perfect for milk-based drinks and easily works with fully automatic espresso machines. Savor the delicious crema that adds depth to every sip and indulge in the bold flavors this shot has to offer.

Varietal Bourbon,  Catuai, Caturra 

Fully washed


Filter, Espresso


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